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A Solar Community In Israel
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News item  Nov-5-2018       TheTeam

Sunday Solar Energy of Israel is the organization tasked with administering the investment of many photovoltaic solar cells that will be installed in Kibbutzim.

The initial cost of the plan is of NIS 500 million or $133 million USD. The project is expected to generate revenues for the communal settlements that will use the energy since the technology will allow them to store energy that can...  See entire news item

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Quote  Apr-12-2016     Franklin Roosevelt   TheTeam

The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.

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Quote  Feb-24-2016     H.G. Wells   TheTeam

Civilization is in a race between education and catastrophe. Let us learn the truth and spread it as far and wide as our circumstances allow. For the truth is the greatest weapon we have.

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Quote  Nov-27-2014 Click to play the linked video or audio in a new window     Rachel Carson   TheTeam

Rachel Carson, author of "Silent Spring"We stand now where two roads diverge... The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road... offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of the earth.

Artist Stops Oil Pipeline Cold
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News item  Aug-28-2014 Click to play the linked video or audio in a new window       TheTeam

Alberta artist, Peter von Tiesenhausen, has effectively stopped oil corporations from putting a pipeline through his 800 acre property by covering it with artwork and copyrighting the top six inches of his land as an artwork.

Realizing that mining companies can legitimately lay claim to any land underneath private property to a depth of six inches, van Tiesenhausen contacted a lawyer who drew up an intellectual property/copyright claim that said that if the oil company disturbed the top six inches in any way, it would be a copyright violation.
     ...  See entire news item

Modern Ocean Acidification Is Outpacing Ancient Upheaval, Study Suggests
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News item  Jul-5-2014 Click to play the linked video or audio in a new window       TheTeam

The deep-sea benthic foram Aragonia velascoensis went extinct about 56 million years ago as the oceans rapidly acidified. (Ellen Thomas/Yale University)

Some 56 million years ago, a massive pulse of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere sent global temperatures soaring. In the oceans, carbonate sediments dissolved, some organisms went extinct and others evolved.
Scientists have long suspected that ocean acidification caused the crisis—similar to today, as manmade CO2 combines with seawater to change its chemistry. Now, for the first time, scientists have quantified the extent of surface acidification from those ancient days, and the news is not good: the oceans are on track to acidify at least as much as they did then, only at a much faster rate. 
In a study published in the latest...  See entire news item

EPA National Top Renewable Energy Users
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News item  Apr-19-2013 Click to play the linked video or audio in a new window       TheTeam

As of March 18, 2013

National Top 50 Renewable Energy Users

The Green Power Partnership works with a wide variety of leading organizations — from Fortune 500® companies to local, state and federal governments, and a growing number of colleges and universities. The following Top Partner Rankings highlight the annual green power use of leading Green Power Partners within the United States and across individual industry sectors.

Using green power helps reduce the environmental impacts of electricity use and supports the development of new renewable generation capacity nationwide. Usage amounts reflect U.S. operations only and are sourced...  See entire news item

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Quote  Sep-18-2012     George Washington Carver   TheTeam

When I was young, I said to God, "God, tell me the mystery of the universe." But God answered, "that knowledge is for me alone."

So I said, "God, tell me the mystery of the peanut." Then God said, "Well George, that's more nearly your size."

Arctic Sea Ice Enters The Spring Melt Season
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News item  Apr-23-2012       TheTeam

Chart showing increasing dominance of new, thin ice in the Arctic (see below for credits and high resolution version)Arctic sea ice reached its annual maximum extent on March 18, after reaching an initial peak early in the month and declining briefly. Ice extent for the month as a whole was higher than in recent years, but still below average.

As the melt season begins, researchers look at a variety of factors that may contribute to summer ice melt. While the maximum extent occurred slightly later than average, the new ice growth is very thin and likely to melt quickly. Ice age data indicate that despite the higher extent compared to recent years, the winter sea ice continues to be dominated by younger and thinner sea ice.

...  See entire news item

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Quote  Dec-8-2011     Robert Louis Stevenson   TheTeam

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but the seed you plant.

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