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Blog item: Climate Denial Crock of the Week - The Great Petition Fraud

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7 comments, last: Dec-1-2009   Add a comment   Author:  greenman (Apr-10-2009)    Play a Video
Categories: Economic/Financial, Global Warming, Philosophical & Quality of Life

Dr. Frederick Seitz, climate change denier; click to see the videoWe've all heard about the "Petitions" of "Scientists" who disagree with Climate Science. This sordid little episode in the history of climate denial points up once again the fundamental dishonesty of the climate denial industry. See the video

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Comment by:  PT (David Alexander) (Dec-1-2009)   Web site
When you see bizzarre capitalization and other extremes of language you can determine that normal conversation with that person is not very useful.
Comment by: City Worker (Dec-1-2009)   

SERIOUSLY, Btok Btok, are you for REAL?! Would you “throw out the baby with the bath water?”/ “let a few rotten apples spoil the bunch?” You will often find liars and cheats in groups. But if the system is basically good, it is better to work with it and try to recognize and ignore those out to thwart a good system.
Maybe absolutely every bit of scientific data/information presented and utilized at the Copenhagen Summit on Climate Change will not be perfect. And yes, there are those out there spreading false information. But their information has, more or less, been proven to be false.
What if not all the information we rely on at the Copenhagen Summit is perfect, accurate scientific data? What if we create controls that are more than necessary? Would that be so bad? Would that be worse than not creating enough controls? I don’t think so. We cannot let the opportunity presented by the Copenhagen Summit pass. The Kyoto Protocol did not include the cooperation of some major players in the world community, while it appears the protocol resulting from the Copenhagen Summit of Climate Change will. The world has been leading up, for many years, to the Copenhagen Summit. Who is to say if scrap the Copenhagen Summit and work several more years, absolutely everything will be gotten right? We do not have the luxury of postponing taking action. There is a crisis at hand. Global warming will not sit back patiently back while we try to come up with the perfect summit.
Comment by: btokbtok (Btok Btok) (Dec-1-2009)   

I believe the Copenhagen Treaty Summit should be cancelled! How in God's name can this be considered a legal agreement when a Huge Amount of the basis for the Climate Change Data has been found to be Fraudulently Sabotaged and absolutely Inaccurate? This is signing an agreement Contract that has no Legal Foundation of Realistic conditions or elements due to inaccurate and Manipulated Data as described and therefore, anything stated on this Copenhagen Treaty Document should be considered Null and Void! Why create a Pandora's Box, subject to Lawsuits and Misgivings due to total inaccuracy of Scientific measurements? Which now is proving to be the case! This Treaty has no Legal ground to stand on and is and will be a False Document from day one!

Any lawyers want to help out by filing this Copenhagen Treaty be classified as an illegal Treaty!

There are four reasons the UN and IMF, Global Elitist Members Re: Ban Kai Moon ( Who has openly expressed his stong desire for Global Governance ), PM Gordon Brown, Bilderberg Member Henry Kissinger, Senior Bilderberg Member David Rockefeller as well as an unprecedented number of Dictators that run various countries who are members of the United Nations this Copenhagen Treaty that was designed to acquire four goals, the least of them being climate improvment or protection as Lord Moncton has stated!
(1.) To de-industrialize Sovereign Countries ( No Jobs keep you dependant on State ) ( 2.) Take your money and assets - Hence, Fraudulent Carbon Emmissions and Carbon Gases for Carbon Credits and Carbon Taxes! (3.) Take away your property (4.) Take away your Sovereignty and Freedom!

Check out what Government is doing behind your back at: ( For Canadians who do not wish to lose their Sovereignty should PM Stephen Harper sign the Copenhagen Treaty this petition will request him not to sign the Treaty also phone your MPs and email PM Harper! )
Comment by:  PT (David Alexander) (Jun-14-2009)   Web site

Ken, it seems you do not have a rigid view either way. Anyway, there are not two "sides", the entire discussion of environment needs to be more sophisticated than that. Of course falsely signing a petition to create confusion would be an error. We all need to speak with integrity, and also listen carefully to what others say.

As far as the U.S. public and turning against the Green "movement", I don't think that is quite accurate. It seems to me that there is an interest in adopting environmental measures, but most people are not willing, or able, or informed enough, to go way out of their ways to take environmental steps. The American and world public needs much more information, which is why I started, to be part of providing that information. As Winston Churchill said (paraphrasing), "The Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing -- after trying everything else". Getting to the "right thing" requires, among other ingredients, having accurate information from which to start forming opinions and then actions.
Comment by: ken (Ken) (Jun-14-2009)   

I love this video, it shows that of the 32000 people who have signed up, only 3 have been identified as fraudulant. There are many more of course, I have an environmental-activist friend who signed up fraudulantly because she wanted to help discredit the petition. With help like that no wonder the public has turned against the environmental movement. Wake up folks, the Green movement collapsed with the arrival of the recession (like it always does). And this Sinclair guy's slow somnolent voice and half-decent production values will do nothing to change that.
Comment by: City Worker (Apr-11-2009)   

Yes, I realize that fraudulent individuals are compounding the fraud, and that it's easier said than done.
Comment by: City Worker (Apr-11-2009)   

I believe that those noting these fraudulent scientists should be required to either no longer note these people, or include information noting that they have been discredited.

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About author/contributor Member: greenman (Peter Sinclair) greenman (Peter Sinclair)

Member: greenman (Peter Sinclair) Peter Sinclair is a long-time advocate of environmental awareness and energy alternatives. An award winning graphic artist, illustrator, and animator, Mr. Sinclair runs Greenman Studio from his home in Midland, MI.

Mr. Sinclair's cartoons and illustrations have appeared in newspapers around the world, and his work has been profiled in numerous publications, including the New York Times, The Utne Reader, and HaAretz of Jerusalem.

Constantly updated information, made vivid with striking, clear graphics and animations, many derived from NASA, The National Snow and Ice Data Center, and top international sources, an expert knowledge of the issues of energy and environment, and an informal, good humored delivery, make difficult concepts easy to see and grasp.

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