We stand now where two roads diverge... The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road... offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of the earth.
Originally posted Aug 25, 2014 by Tom Whipple, Post Carbon Institute
For those following the world oil production situation, it has been clear for some time that the only factor keeping global crude output from moving lower is the continuing increase in U.S. shale oil production, mostly from Texas and North Dakota. Needless to say, once the fabled "peak" comes oil and gasoline prices are certain to move higher, triggering a series of economic events – most of which will not be good for the global economy.
How the holiday season has changed over time? Furthermore, how can we tie the environment into religious holidays? Chanukah, and more noticeably Christmas has been a holiday that has drastically transformed in the course of history. It is mainly about the gift giving than celebrating the religious aspect of both these holidays. Christmas and Chanukah feed a unique consumerist experience. Money is rapidly shaping the course of history. Even with the economic setbacks we have seen in America in the last five years, this holiday is going strong. "A Gallup Poll found that Americans expect to spend an average of $764 on Christmas gifts, $50 more than a year ago" (Keen, 2011). Those who predict spending during the holidays estimated spending on Christmas to increase... See entire blog item
When we walk down the produce section of the typical grocery store there will be the "normal" fruit or vegetable section that is a shiny, picture perfect, GMO-enhanced and "relatively" affordable compared to the organic section. The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) defines organic as follows:
"Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing... See entire blog item
Climate scientist James Hansen gave a 30 minute talk in Sagaponack, NY on Friday, Aug 2. He backs a fee and dividend approach to reducing fossil fuel use. This idea has been taken up nationally by the Citizens Climate Lobby. A national carbon fee would slow rise over time; 100% of these proceeds would be returned back to citizens.
He cited Friday's New York Times Op Ed, A Republican Case for Climate Change, by former EPA administrators who back Obama's new climate plan. ... See entire news item
Americans' health, security, and economic well-being are tied to climate and weather. In the last 2 years, the United States experienced 25 climate- and weather-related disasters exceeding $1 billion ($115 billion total) in damages and claiming 1,019 lives. The public, businesses, resource managers, and policy leaders are increasingly asking for information to help them understand how and why climate conditions are changing and how they can prepare.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a primary provider of climate science, data, tools, and information used by stakeholders and citizens in decision-making contexts. These resources... See entire story
Arctic sea ice reached its annual maximum extent on March 18, after reaching an initial peak early in the month and declining briefly. Ice extent for the month as a whole was higher than in recent years, but still below average.
As the melt season begins, researchers look at a variety of factors that may contribute to summer ice melt. While the maximum extent occurred slightly later than average, the new ice growth is very thin and likely to melt quickly. Ice age data indicate that despite the higher extent compared to recent years, the winter sea ice continues to be dominated by younger and thinner sea ice.
By Richard Matthews
The melting Arctic ice is causing huge quantities of methane gas to be released into the atmosphere. Concerns about climate change-inducing greenhouse gases are often centered on carbon dioxide (CO2), but methane is a greenhouse gas that is 20-30 times more potent than CO2. Each methane molecule is actually about 70 times more potent in terms of trapping heat than a molecule of carbon dioxide, however, methane breaks down more quickly in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide.
The sub-sea layer of permafrost traps methane, preventing it from escaping, but as it melts it allows the methane to rise from underground deposits. According to ... See entire blog item
By Zachary Shahan
The only way global warming deniers (or, "science deniers," as I think I'm going to start calling them) can claim that the effects of global warming aren't already hitting us is if they can prove that climate scientists are somehow coordinating to influence our weather and cause an unprecedented number of extreme 'natural' disasters.
The latest extreme weather event, quite disastrously and very sadly, has killed over 1,000 people in the Philippines.
"Tropical storm Washi, known locally in the Philippines as Sendong, has killed over 1,000 people in the southern Philippine island of Mindanao, dumping ... See entire blog item