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A Solar Community In Israel
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News item  Nov-5-2018       TheTeam

Sunday Solar Energy of Israel is the organization tasked with administering the investment of many photovoltaic solar cells that will be installed in Kibbutzim.

The initial cost of the plan is of NIS 500 million or $133 million USD. The project is expected to generate revenues for the communal settlements that will use the energy since the technology will allow them to store energy that can...  See entire news item

Why Staying In Your Current Home Is The Best Kind Of Green Living
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News item  Mar-1-2015       ElaineYan

There's been a lot of emphasis in recent years on sustainable, green living. People swap out their appliances for those with the Energy Star seal of approval, they move to homes with better insulation and more efficient heating, or they gut their old homes and renovate them until they're suitably "green" and bear almost no resemblance to the homes they once were.

Any of these options are perfectly acceptable, but when it came time for Lloyd Alter to downsize, he chose a different route. Being a proponent of living small and green design, it might come as a surprise to some people that this former architect has lived for most of his life in a 3-story, six bedroom, one bathroom house. It's an ancient monolith of a house, dating back to the early 20th century for...  See entire news item

Planning A Green Remodel? 21 Green Experts Reveal Their Best Tips
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Tip  Dec-10-2014     GuestWriter

Green Building Experts


In this post you'll discover some incredible insights that will help you navigate the overwhelming process many face when remodeling their home with "GREEN" on their minds.

Last month I published a similar post on home buying where I asked real estate agents to share their best tip for buying fixer-uppers as a first-time home buyer. The tips shared were absolutely priceless (you can find the post here)!

This got me thinking – what about remodeling in a sustainable way that will help save us money and reduce our Carbon-footprint? And not those same boring tips from 10 years ago. But fresh and unique advice from real green experts.

So I contacted some of the most popular and successful green professionals in the business. The result was simply...  See entire tip

The Peak Oil Crisis: When?
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Blog item  Aug-29-2014 Click to play the linked video or audio in a new window     GuestWriter GuestWriter

Aerial view via amymyou/flickr. Creative Commons 2.0 SA license.

Originally posted Aug 25, 2014 by Tom Whipple, Post Carbon Institute

For those following the world oil production situation, it has been clear for some time that the only factor keeping global crude output from moving lower is the continuing increase in U.S. shale oil production, mostly from Texas and North Dakota. Needless to say, once the fabled "peak" comes oil and gasoline prices are certain to move higher, triggering a series of economic events – most of which will not be good for the global economy.

Thus the key question is just how many more months or years production of U.S. shale oil (more accurately call light tight oil) will continue to grow. Many have answers to this question ranging from...  See entire blog item

Artist Stops Oil Pipeline Cold
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News item  Aug-28-2014 Click to play the linked video or audio in a new window       TheTeam

Alberta artist, Peter von Tiesenhausen, has effectively stopped oil corporations from putting a pipeline through his 800 acre property by covering it with artwork and copyrighting the top six inches of his land as an artwork.

Realizing that mining companies can legitimately lay claim to any land underneath private property to a depth of six inches, van Tiesenhausen contacted a lawyer who drew up an intellectual property/copyright claim that said that if the oil company disturbed the top six inches in any way, it would be a copyright violation.
     ...  See entire news item

22 Most Beautiful Houses Made From Shipping Containers
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Story  Jul-6-2014 Click to play the linked video or audio in a new window     GuestWriter

By Stefan Lucian (Bucharest, Romania)

Living in these days can mean a lot more than just having a shelter, food and clothing. People have evolved a lot in the last 50 years and the trend is of an exponential growth. The differences between generations will be more significant than there are now. As a proof that people have already started to change their minds and philosophy are the random bursts of nonconformism, meaning that some people no longer feel represented by the masses, and their image can't be associated with an institution of a large group of people.

22 Most Beautiful Houses Made from Shipping Containers

Part of the nonconformism I was talking about is the residential component. People live in more and more diverse houses that suit best their needs. Some people buy large houses with concrete structures or steel and glass to reinforce their social...  See entire story

The Nightmare After Christmas
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Blog item  Feb-1-2014       mmcgloin   mmcgloin

How the holiday season has changed over time? Furthermore, how can we tie the environment into religious holidays? Chanukah, and more noticeably Christmas has been a holiday that has drastically transformed in the course of history. It is mainly about the gift giving than celebrating the religious aspect of both these holidays.

Christmas and Chanukah feed a unique consumerist experience.  Money is rapidly shaping the course of history. Even with the economic setbacks we have seen in America in the last five years, this holiday is going strong. "A Gallup Poll found that Americans expect to spend an average of $764 on Christmas gifts, $50 more than a year ago" (Keen, 2011). Those who predict spending during the holidays estimated spending on Christmas to increase...  See entire blog item

From Farm To Fork
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Blog item  Feb-1-2014       mmcgloin   mmcgloin

When we walk down the produce section of the typical grocery store there will be the "normal" fruit or vegetable section that is a shiny, picture perfect, GMO-enhanced and "relatively" affordable compared to the organic section.

The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) defines organic as follows:

"Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing...  See entire blog item

Grocery Delivery: Another Way To Live Green
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Blog item  May-24-2013 Click to play the linked video or audio in a new window       sampeters   sampeters

Fuel saving via a shared route vs individual shopping tripsHaving your groceries delivered is no longer just a convenience for those who dread the weekly trip to the store. Studies have recently shown that having your groceries delivered to your home could also help us to live a more eco-friendly life.

Over the years I have slowly changed my way of living to a "green" life, and what at first seemed to be an inconvenience is now proving to provide more convenience in my life. From the little things like using energy efficient lighting all the way to my not so regular trips to the grocery store, it seems I spend a lot less time doing tedious things, leaving more time for work and fun.

Up until the last few weeks I was against using a delivery service for my groceries. I didn't think it was possible that the big diesel trucks used to deliver items from my local grocer could be better for the environment than my car. Then I stumbled upon an article that told me just the opposite. University of Washington engineers Ann Goodchild and Erica Wygonik recently c...  See entire blog item

NOAA Focus On Climate
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Story  Apr-19-2013 Click to play the linked video or audio in a new window       PT

World Climate Change Theme

Americans' health, security, and economic well-being are tied to climate and weather. In the last 2 years, the United States experienced 25 climate- and weather-related disasters exceeding $1 billion ($115 billion total) in damages and claiming 1,019 lives. The public, businesses, resource managers, and policy leaders are increasingly asking for information to help them understand how and why climate conditions are changing and how they can prepare.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a primary provider of climate science, data, tools, and information used by stakeholders and citizens in decision-making contexts. These resources...  See entire story

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