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Global Warming: The Second Chance - Bali ConferenceSchedule for the December 8th Conference in Second Life
Most is in Actengo / Baobab
06:00 am SLT (3:00 pm France). Opening of the day Soso Gao. "From Kyoto to Bali", 30mn In French / English.
06:30 am SLT (3:30 pm France). Jahi Greggan (Reporter for Community Chest). "Development of environmental protection in Rwanda", 30mn In French.
07:00 am SLT (4:00 pm France). Delia Lake - Center for Water Studies. "Sustainability: a Task or a Way of Living?" In English. 30mn.
07:30 am SLT (4:30 pm France). Artemisia Mathy. "Urgent State: ancient forest", In French. 20 minutes + debate.
08:00 am SLT (5:00 pm France). Françoise and Elohim Vincent Feria. "POLE AIRE" (unconfirmed, waiting for a response)
08:30 am SLT (5:30 pm France). Tao Vacano. Posidonies 30mn. In French.
09:00 am SLT (6:00 pm France). Garret PlanetAction. Presentation of Planet Action (http://www.planet-action.org), 30 mn, in English
09:30 am SLT (6:30 pm France) Soso Gao for Planet Action. "Provision of the optical satellites in problems of global warming" 30mn with slideshow and comments in French / English
10:00 am SLT (7:00 pm France) John Galland. "About global warming" 30mn. In English. (unconfirmed, no answer yet)
11:30 am SLT (8:30 pm France) Geen Flow.
12:30 noon SLT (9:30pm France) Party on Actengo Plaza with shoutcast: Afro - Latino Music
- Planet Action: Exhibition of some satellits pictures about environment
- Artemisia Mathy: Exhibition about deforestation, destruction of habitats, biodiversity and people
- Mark Moana: Polar exhibition with link towards new AIRE SIM
- Tao Vacano: Photographic Exhibition about biodiversity and underwater funds