I've been learning lots from educator Richard Douthwaite about money, energy, reality, the present and the future. The following videos and books provide very clear background and information, particularly about the money crisis.
His premise is that the current corporate-created money system is unstable and it inherently causes negative impacts on Earth. In order to save Earth, we will need a different money system, or in this case, a set of money systems that interact in such a way as to reduce pollution, create jobs, reduce unemployment, maintain economic stability, and smoothly transition from here to a positive, primarily local future.
Douthwaite points out that wwe need a money system that it automatically functions to serve the goal of civilization and to save Earth by helping to reduce our CO2 emissions. Through a "cap and share" system, he proposes to cap all CO2 emissions globally, and to lower this cap annually by about 5%. Emission credits would be issued on a per capita basis per nation. If nations such as the USA or Canada did not have enough credits, those could be purchased from less destructive nations, by using a global currency which would be issued once only, and then slowly decreased each year.
There would be national currencies, issued by the government (not by corporations) that floated against the global currency. At the local level, there would be regional currencies, which would float against the national currency. Business associations could also create barter clubs like the WIR Bank in Switzerland.
In addition, the "store of value" function of money would be separated from the "medium of exchange" function. There would be special "store of value" currencies created to exist alongside the local, national, or world currency. This agrees with what Thomas Greco says in the middle of his 2001 "Money" book.
Overall, this use of local community currencies, national currencies, a global currency, and a "cap and share" system for reducing global pollution appears to be a much, much more intelligent and effective way for us to create an economy that protects and renews the environment, reduces dependence on fossil fuels, reduces our carbon dioxide pollution, makes jobs, and creates a system of economic stability.
With the current instability of the global corporate-created money system, if there were a perfect time to present this proposal to the world, this is it.
The videos and audio files below are highly recommended, basically highlights of Douthwaite's "The Ecology of Money" book.